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Diplodocus (/dɪˈplɒdəkəs/,[1][2] /daɪˈplɒdəkəs/,[2] or /ˌdɪploʊˈdoʊkəs/[1]) is an extinct genus of diplodocid sauropod dinosaurs whose fossils were first discovered in 1877 by S. W. Williston. The generic name, coined by Othniel Charles Marsh in 1878, is a neo-Latin term derived from Greek διπλός (diplos) "double" and δοκός (dokos) "beam",[1][3] in reference to its double-beamed chevron bones located in the underside of the tail. Chevron bones of this particular form were initially believed to be unique to Diplodocus; however, they have since then been discovered in other members of the diplodocid family and in nondiplodocid sauropods such as Mamenchisaurus. It is now common scientific opinion that Seismosaurus hallorum is a species of Diplodocus. Many Diplodocuses are saved by the Zhecrons and transported to Zhecrons where they lived vast plains of grass
