Great Multiverse Wiki
Boston Quarantine zone

A artist depection of a U.C Quarantine Zone near a major city

The Infection War, also refer to as the Great Outbreak, the Multiversial Pandemic and the Plague Era, was a conflict that occured between the United Civilizations and the various Viruses that started to break out across the Multiverse from December 25th, 3192 to December 30th, 3642, however,  It was not a conflict in the traditional sense of the word, but rather, was a series of outbreaks that the U.C had to deal with, however, the closest thing that these series of outbreaks ever had that's close to a true war was that involving William Jäger and his Blacklight army, the Third Nercomorph War and the infected of the Black Rage Virus. This conflict was the main reason for the formation of the Multiversial Federation.


It's largely unknown what exactly cause this massive series of viral outbreaks throughout the Multiverse, some believed that different corporations may have helped caused it, either propursely or unpropursely, some military vessels crashed onto different planets and unintendedly released it's viral cargo upon the unexpecting populous and some by a half full of people who purposely released these various viruses, either because of a god-like complex or to kill as many people as possible to make the Multiverse unstable so they could create their own personal kingdom or even simply wishing to kill everyone as a form of sadistic mass murder. Whatever the cause, it was devesting to all across the Multiverse, be they in the United Civilizations or the few remaining independent factions left in the multiverse.

People who leaded the viruses

  • Huey Emmerich (secretly)

Viruses that was apart of the "conflict"

Conflicts that went on during the years of this "War"

  • Expedition on Bij'iji Earth
  • Destruction of Rut'iji Earth
  • War for Qut'iji Earth
  • C-Virus Outbreak in Sereas
  • Xenomorph Attack on Thedas
  • The Thing War
  • Lambent War
  • Black Rage War

Tactics used during the conflict

  • the Used of Chemical based weapons such as White Phosphorus and Black Phosphorus on areas that's either overwhelmed or were too dangerous to evacuate
  • Phasers in Disintegration mode is the best way to kill off the infected ones
  • Although not all of the viruses that's widespread causes people infected with it to go insane, most, however, did, thus has lead to the name of this chaotic period in the Multiverse's history
  • In order to contain the spread of the Desperation Disease, the U.C Joint Military either quarantined or limit travel to any world that have Scrub Coral on them to prevent anyone from trying to come to contact with it.
  • In order to contain the spread of the Frenzy Virus, the U.C. Joint Military sends the Hunter's Guild to eliminate the Gore Magala, the virus' carriers before they contain it.