Great Multiverse Wiki

Ottsels, also known as Precursors, are a species that controls an ancient civilization and one of the only two civilizations outside the Empire of the Combine Race in terms of age and technology. Unlike the Second Human Empire, the Ottsel Civilization had greatly deteriorated due to a Civil War, and two wars against a ruthless Bio-Mechinical Species they refer to as the Hora Quan  


Formation of the Federation[]

Alliance with Humanity, Prothean and Forerunners[]

Olkimanic Universial War[]

War between the Humans Empire and their former allies[]

Extermination of Humanity[]


Deespite the believe that Humanity was almost exterminated, the Ottsel may have played a part in helping to revive them to have a fresh start along with other species that fell in the previous war. Scattering their DNA into compatible species to evolve from in the next millions of years, with believe they and others could be prevent another disaster that wiped out their predecessors. One of those they found was the remnants of the Second Human Empire from their recent wars and offered aide with the rise of the Empire of the Combine Race, letting them in a world with time move much slower than the rest to provide them time to recover until the rest of the first generation of new humans fully evolved.

Keeping them hidden from a group who who survived the Second Human Civil War, but evolved to abandon their physical forms and appear to be much aggressive and made certain to alert the survivors of these beings who may not be so friendly while they deal with the Dark Collective created by Til'zionn Ki'ooni and Hiz'cilo Ziz'kine while they remain trapped in their universe.

Some considered watching over the remnents of humans under their care until they can manage to get back on their feet and either join the rest of Second Human Empire or someplace else.

First Ottsel Hora Quan War[]

First Nercomorph War[]

Second Ottsel Hora Quan War[]

Ottsel Civil War[]

Biology and Appearance[]

Culture and Society[]


